EGU General Assembly 2022
ICC Water & Health scientists and partners organize session of the next EGU General Assembly 2022 (April 2022 in Vienna and online).
Title: Fate and transport processes of pathogens and emerging contaminants at multiple scales
Keynote speaker: Dr. Sondra Klitzke, German Environment Agency
This session aims to increase the understanding about the dominant processes controlling faecal indicator, pathogen and contaminant fate and transport at larger scales. Consequently, we welcome contributions that aim to close existing knowledge gaps and include both small and large-scale experimental, with the focus on:
- the fate and transport of faecal indicators, pathogens and emerging contaminants in rivers, groundwater and estuaries
- Hydrological, physically based modelling approaches
- Methods for identifying the dominant processes and for transferring faecal indicator, pathogen and contaminant transport parameters from the laboratory to the field or catchment scale
- Investigations of the implications of contamination of water resources for water safety management planning and risk assessment framework.
Relevant dates
The deadline for abstract submission is 12 January 2022, 13:00 CET.
>> Instructions for abstract submission
We hope to see you!
Julia Derx, Margaret Stevenson (ICC Water & Health) | Jennifer Drummond, Fulvio Boano (Partners)