Expert Panels
Andreas Farnleitner
Vice Chair of the Specialist Group "Microbiology" of the International Association for Danube Research (IAD)
Vice Chair of the Specialist Group "Water & Microbiology" of the Austrian Association for Water and Waste Management (ÖWAV)
Executive board member of the "International Collaboration for Assessing the Contribution of Sewage to Global Waters (IC-Sewage)" of the International Water Association (IWA), Health-Related Water Microbiology Group (HRWM)
Executive board member of the "Willie Grabow Young Investigator Award" of the International Water Association (IWA)
Regina Sommer
International Ultraviolet Association: Member of the Board of Directors
International Standards Organisation ISO TC147 "Water Quality":
Austrian representative for ISO TC147/SC4 and chair of the Working Group "Clostridium perfringens"
International Water Association (IWA), Specialist Group Disinfection:
Member of the Board of Directors
International Water Association (IWA), Specialist Group on Health-related Water Microbiology: Vice-Chair (2017-2019)
International Water Association (IWA): Vice President of the Austrian National Committee
Expert Group for Water Microbiology of the European Commission:
Austrian representative, member
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Hygiene, Mikrobiologie und Präventivmedizin: Member of the Board of Directors
Österreichische Kommission Codex Alimentarius des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit: Plenumsmitglied
Österreichisches Lebensmittelbuch Codex-Unterkommission "Trinkwasser": Vorsitzende
Österreichisches Lebensmittelbuch Codex-Unterkommission "Abgefüllte Wässer": Mitglied
Austrian Standards Institute: Mitglied des Präsidialrates
Austrian Standards Institute Fachnormenausschuss Komitee 140 Wasserqualität: Mitglied
Expertengremium für Bäderhygiene des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit: Expertin
Alfred Paul Blaschke
Nutzung und Schutz von Thermalwasservorkommen: ÖWAV-Regelblatt 215 (2010)
Wirkung und Folgen möglicher Klimaveränderungen auf den Grundwasserhaushalt (2011): DWA Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e. V.
Alexander Kirschner
Chair of the Specialist Group "Microbiology" of the International Association for Danube Research (IAD)
IWA Specialist Group on Health-related Water Microbiology (Member)
Group Leader "Microbiology" for Joint Danube Survey 3 (International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River, ICPDR)
Group Leader "Microbiology" for Joint Danube Survey 4 (International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River, ICPDR)
Member of the Specialist Group "Water & Microbiology" of the Austrian Association for Water and Waste Management (ÖWAV)
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