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Vienna Water training event as part of the KL Academy

Andreas Farnleitner and Karen Zuser from ICC Water & Health are lecturers at Vienna Water's new training event "Water quality in water supply" as part of the KL Academy.

The newly designed training event will be held regularly at two-year intervals from 2022 on and covers the essential quality criteria of drinking water production, treatment and distribution, from raw water to drinking water. Andreas Farnleitner and Karen Zuser from ICC Water & Health, together with Dr. Marija Zunabovic-Pichler (Water Quality Unit, Vienna Water), are responsible for the microbiology block of topics.


Harald Schmölzer (former head of the Holding Graz water laboratory) will present the physical-chemical and legal background to the topic of water quality. Dr. Markus Werderitsch (Vienna Water) will discuss the operational topics of disinfection and treatment, as well as plant maintenance and the regulations for materials in contact with drinking water.

After a two-day practical part of the event, a joint discussion with the speakers on the topic of the future of water supply will give participants an insight into current research activities (ViWa2020+ research cooperation of the City of Vienna with ICC Water & Health) and an outlook on future strategies in Vienna's water supply.


The ICC Water & Health
is a Cooporation of:

Technische Universität Wien
Medizinische Universität Wien
Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität für Gesundheitswissenschaften