ICC Water & Health / Research / Awards


Science awards/Scholarships ICC Water & Health


Neptun Wasserpreis 2021 (Geda Kebede)

Ausgezeichnete Arbeit:
Kebede G, Mushi D, Linke RB, Dereje O, Lakew A, Hayes DS, Farnleitner AH, Graf  W (2020) Macroinvertebrate indices versus microbial fecal pollution characteristics for water quality monitoring reveals contrasting results for an Ethiopian river. Ecological Indicators 108: 105733


Medizinische Universität Wien - Researcher of the Month – July (Sílvia Cervero-Aragó)

Ausgezeichnete Arbeit:
Cervero-Aragó S, Schrammel B, Dietersdorfer E, Sommer R, Lück C, Walochnik J, Kirschner AKT (2019) Viability and infectivity of viable but nonculturable Legionella pneumophila strains induced at high temperatures. Water Research 158: 268-279.

ÖGHMP Call 2020 "Vibrant Science in Hygiene" (Carmen Rehm)



Sonderpreis "Wasser" der MA 31 (Roland Martzy & Georg Kerber)

Ausgezeichnete Arbeiten:
Martzy R, Kolm C, Krska R, Mach RL, Farnleitner AH, Reischer GH (2019) Challenges and perspectives in the application of isothermal DNA amplification method for food and water analysis.Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 144:9, 1695-1702

Martzy R, Bica-Schröder K, Pálvölgyi AM, Kolm C, Jakwerth S, Kirschner AKT, Sommer R, Krska R, Mach RL, Farnleitner AH, Reischer GH (2019) Simple lysis of bacterial cells for DNA-based diagnostics using hydrophilic ionic liquids.Scientific Reports 9:13994

Martzy R, Kolm C, Brunner K, Mach RL, Krska R, S?inkovec H, Sommer R, Farnleitner AH, Reischer GH (2017) A loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for the rapid detection of Enterococcus spp. in water.Water Research 122:62-69

Georg Kerber (2019) 3D Modellierung des Grundwasserkörpers für den Bereich des Brunnenfeldes Donauinsel Nord.Technische Universität Wien, Diplomarbeit, 2019

NFB Science Call Dissertationen 2019 “Assessing the public health relevance of Vibrio cholerae in bathing waters in Lower Austria: distribution, abundance, diversity and potential pathogenicity (Carmen Rehm)

Forum Wasserhygienepreis - Wissenschaftspreis 2018/19 (Silvia Cervero-Arago)

Ausgezeichnete Arbeit:
Cervero-Arago S, Schrammel B, Dietersdorfer E, Sommer R, Lück C, Walochnik J, Kirschner AKT (2019) Viability and infectivity of viable but nonculturable Legionella pneumophila strains induced at high temperatures.Water Research 158 (2019) 268-279


Sonderpreis "Wasser" der MA 31 (Inge van Driezum & Christina Frick)

Ausgezeichnete Arbeiten:
Frick C, Vierheilig J, Linke R, Savio D, Zornig H, Antensteiner R, Baumgartner C, Bucher C, Blaschke AP, Derx J, Kirschner AKT, Ryzinska-Paier G, Mayer R, Seidl D, Nadiotis-Tsaka T, Sommer R, Farnleitner AH. 2018: Poikilothermic animals as a previously unrecognized source of fecal indicator bacteria in a backwater ecosystem of a large river. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 84

Van Driezum IH, Derx J, Oudega TJ, Zessner M, Naus FL, Saracevic E, Kirschner AKT, Sommer R, Farnleitner AH, Blaschke AP. 2019: Spatiotemporal resolved sampling for the interpretation of micropollutant removal during riverbank filtration.Science of the Total Environment 649:212-223.

Van Driezum IH, Chik AHS, Jakwerth S, Lindner G, Farnleitner AH, Sommer R, Blaschke AP, Kirschner AKT. 2018. Spatiotemporal analysis of bacterial biomass and activity to understand surface and groundwater interactions in a highly dynamic riverbank filtration system.Science of the Total Environment 627:450-461

Van Driezum IH, Derx J, Saracevic E, Kirschner AKT, Sommer R, Farnleitner A, .H., Blaschke AP. 2017: Does Pumping Volume Affect the Concentration of Micropollutants in Groundwater Samples?Groundwater: Monitoring and Remediation 37: 82–88

Österreichischer Hygienepreis 2018 (Claudia Kolm & Roland Martzy)

Ausgezeichnete Arbeiten:
Kolm, C., Martzy, R., Brunner, K., Mach, R.L. Krska, R., Heinze, G., Sommer, R., Reischer, G.H., Farnleitner, A.H., (2017) A complementary isothermal amplification method to the US EPA qPCR approach for the detection of enterococci in environmental waters. Environ Sci Technol 51(12): 7028-7035.

Martzy, R., Kolm, C., Brunner, K., Mach, R.L. Krska, R., Šinkovec, H., Sommer, R., Farnleitner, A.H., Reischer, G.H. (2017) A loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for the rapid detection of Enterococcus spp. in water. Water Res 122: 62-69.

Österreichische Mikrobiologiepreis 2018 (Silvia Cervero-Aragó & Barbara Schrammel)

Ausgezeichnete Arbeiten:
Dietersdorfer E, Kirschner AKT, Schrammel B, Ohradanova-Repic A, Stockinger H, Sommer R, Walochnik J, Cervero-Aragó S (2018) Starved viable but non-culturable (VBNC) Legionella strains can infect and replicate in amoebae and human macrophages. Water Research 141 doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2018.01.058

Schrammel B, Cervero-Arago S, Dietersdorfer E, Walochnik J, Lück C, Sommer R, Kirschner AKT (2018) Differential development of Legionella sub-populations during short- and long-term starvation. Water Research 141, doi: 0.1016/j.watres.2018.04.027


Scientific Award of the Vienna Environmental Protection Department/Wiener Umweltschutzabteilung (René Mayer)

Award-winning paper:
Mayer R, Bofill-Mas S, Egle L, Reischer G, Schade M, Fernandez-Cassi X, Fuchs W, Mach R, Lindner G, Kirschner A, Gaisbauer M, Piringer H, Blaschke AP, Girones R, Zessner M, Sommer R, Farnleitner A (2016): Occurrence of human-associated Bacteroidetes genetic source tracking markers in raw and treated wastewater of municipal and domestic origin and comparison to standard and alternative indicators of faecal pollution. Water Research 90: 265–276

Austrian Hygiene Award 2017 (Carina Pretzer)

Award-winning paper:
Pretzer C, Druzhinina IS, Amaro C, Benediktsdóttir E, Hedenström I, Hervio-Heath D, Huhulescu S, Schets FM, Farnleitner AH, Kirschner AKT (2017): High genetic diversity of Vibrio cholerae in the European lake Neusiedler See is associated with intensive recombination in the reed habitat and the long-distance transfer of strains.Environmental Microbiology 19(1): 328-344


Reinhard Liepolt Award for Danube Research (Domenico Savio)

Award-winning paper:
Savio D, Sinclair L, Ijaz UZ, Parajka J, Reischer GH, Stadler P, Blaschke AP, Blöschl G, Mach RL, Kirschner AK, Farnleitner AH, Eiler A (2015): Bacterial diversity along a 2600 km river continuum.Environ Microbiol.17(12): 4994-5007

Austrian Hygiene Award 2016 (Rene Mayer)

Award-winning paper:
Mayer RE, Bofill-Mas S, Egle L, Reischer GH, Schade M, Fernandez-Cassi X, Fuchs W, Mach RL, Lindner G, Kirschner A, Gaisbauer M, Piringer H, Blaschke AP, Girones R, Zessner M, Sommer R, Farnleitner AH (2017): Occurrence of human-associated Bacteroidetes genetic source tracking markers in raw and treated wastewater of municipal and domestic origin and comparison to standard and alternative indicators of faecal pollution. Water Res. 2016 Mar 1;90:265-76

Austrian Microbiology Award 2016 (Domenico Savio)

Award-winning paper:
Savio D, Sinclair L, Ijaz UZ, Parajka J, Reischer GH, Stadler P, Blaschke AP, Blöschl G, Mach RL, Kirschner AK, Farnleitner AH, Eiler A (2015): Bacterial diversity along a 2600 km river continuum. Environ Microbiol.17(12): 4994-5007


Österreichischer Hygiene-Preis 2015 (Sílvia Cervero-Aragó)

Ausgezeichnete Arbeit:
Cervero-Aragó S, Sommer R, Araujo RM (2014): Effect of UV-irradiation (253.7nm) on free Legionella and Legionella associated withwith its amoebal hosts. Water Research 67: 299-309


HRSM 2013

Förderung des ICC Water & Health mit Mitteln des Hochschulraum Strukturmittel Programms (HRSM) in der Höhe von 1,2 Millionen Euro für Zeitraum 2014 - 2018.

Österreichischer Hygiene-Preis 2013 (Schauer)

Award-winning paper:
Schauer S, Sommer R, Farnleitner AH, Kirschner AKT (2012): Rapid and Sensitive Quantification of Vibrio cholerae and Vibrio mimicus Cells in Water Samples by Use of Catalyzed Reporter Deposition Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization Combined with Solid-Phase Cytometry.Applied and Environmental Microbiology (78) 20: 7369-7375


Austrian Award for Hygiene (Riepl)

Award-winning paper:
Riepl M, Schauer S, Knetsch S, Holzhammer E, Farnleitner AH, Sommer R, Kirschner AKT (2011): Applicability of solid phase cytometry and epifluorescence microscopy for rapid assessment of the microbiological quality of dialysis water.Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation 26: 3640-3645

Sonderpreis "Wasser" der Stadt Wien (Derx)

Ausgezeichnete Arbeit:
Derx, J., Farnleitner, A.H. Zessner, M., Pang, L., Schijven, J., Blaschke, A.P. (in press): Evaluating the effect of temperature induced water viscosity and density fluctuations on virus and DOC removal during river bank filtration? A scenario analysis. River Systems. (ISSN 1868-5749)

Sonderpreis "Wasser" der Stadt Wien (Stalder)

Ausgezeichnete Arbeiten:
Stalder GL, Sommer R, Walzer C, Mach RL, Beiglböck C, Blaschke AP, Farnleitner AH (2011): Gefährdungs- und risikobasierende Konzepte zur Bewertung der mikrobiologischen Wasserqualität. Teil 1: Status quo und gegenwärtige Entwicklungen. Wien Tierärztl Wschr – Vet Med Austria 98: 9-24

Stalder GL, Farnleitner A, Sommer R, Beiglböck C, Walzer C (2011): Gefährdungs- und risikobasierende Konzepte zur Bewertung der mikrobiologischen Wasserqualität. Teil 2: Literaturübersicht zum Vorkommen und zur Ökologie potentiell wasserübertragbarer zoonotischer Krankheitserreger in Nutz- und Wildtierpopulationen mit spezieller Berücksichtigung des alpinen und voralpinen Raumes. Wien Tierärztl Mschr – Vet Med Austria 98: 54-65

Resselpreis der TU Wien für die Beste Dissertation des Jahres 2012 (Derx)

Ausgezeichnete Arbeit:
Derx J (2012): Hydraulic interaction processes between rivers and groundwater – flow and microbial transport. Dissertation an der Technischen Universität Wien (www.tuwien.ac.at/aktuelles/news_detail/article/7801/)

Shortlist-Nominierung beim International Mühlheim Water Award 2012 (Farnleitner)

Eingereichte Arbeit:
Alpine Karst Water Resource Management at all Time Scales - from Pro-ActiveMicrobial Source Tracking toNear-Real-Time Spring Abstraction Management.(eingereichte Sammelarbeit mit 11 Peer-reviewed Arbeiten)


Special award "Water" of the Municipality of Vienna (Reischer)

Award-winning paper:
Reischer GH, Kollanur D, Vierheilig J, Wehrspaun,C, Mach RL, Sommer R, Stadler H, and Farnleitner AH (2011): Hypothesis-Driven Approach for the Identification of Fecal Pollution Sources in Water Resources.Environmental Science & Technology 45, 4038-4045

Reinhard-Liepolt-Award for Danube Research from the Austrian Committee for Danube Research of the IAD - International Association for Danube Research (Reischer)

Award-winning papers:
Reischer GH, Kavka GG, Kasper DC, Winter C, Mach RL, Farnleitner AH (2008): Applicability of DNA based quantitative microbial source tracking evaluated on a large scale in the Danube River and its important tributaries.Large Rivers 18 (1-2): 117-125

Velimirov B, Milosevic N, Kavka GG, Farnleitner AH, Kirschner AKT (2011): Development of the Bacterial Compartment Along the Danube River: A Continuum Despite Local Influences.Microbial Ecology 61, 955-967

Baart I, Gschöpf C, Blaschke AP, Preiner S, Hein T (2010): Prediction of potential macrophyte development in response to restoration measures in an urban riverine wetland. Aquatic Botany 93: 153-162


Best Paper Award of the national IWA Young Water Professional Conference (Kollanur, Farnleitner)

Award-winning paper:
Kollanur D, Reischer GH, Sommer R, Wehrspaun C, Stadler H, Zerobin W, Farnleitner AH (2010): Quantitative Assessment of Faecal Pollution Sources in Alpine Spring Catchments as a Basis for Microbial Hazard- and Risk Assessment. In: Proceedings of the 1st Austrian National Young Water Professional Conference, 2010

Scientific Award of the Vienna Environmental Protection Department and Vienna Waterworks: Special Price "Water" (Ryzinska)

Award-winning paper:
Farnleitner AH, Ryzinska-Paier G, Reischer GH, Burtscher MM, Knetsch S, Rudnicki S, Dirnböck T, Kuschnig G, Mach RL, Sommer R (2010): Escherichia coli and enterococci are sensitive and reliable indicators for human, livestock, and wild life faecal pollution in alpine mountainous water resources.Journal of Applied Microbiology 109:1599-1608


Reinhard-Liepolt-Award for Danube Research from the Austrian Committee for Danube Research of the IAD - International Association for Danube Research (Kirschner)

Award-winning paper:
Kirschner AKT, Kavka GG, Velimirov B, Mach RL, Sommer R Farnleitner AH (2009): Microbiological water quality along the Danube River: Integrating data from two whole-river surveys and a transnational monitoring network.Water Research 43, 3673-3684

APART Scholarship: Austrian Programme for Advanced Research and Technology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Reischer)

Award-winning project:
Elucidating faecal microbiota for source tracking.

Scientific Award of the Vienna Environmental Protection Department and Vienna Waterworks: Special Price "Water" (Kollanur)

Award-winning paper:
Quantitative Assessment of Faecal Pollution Sources in Alpine Spring Catchments as a Basis for Microbial Hazard- and Risk Assessment. MSc Thesis, Vienna University of Technology


Best-Poster-Award: World Water Congress and Exhibition 2008, Section Health and the Environment, International Water Association (IWA), Vienna, Austria (Farnleitner)

Award-winning paper:
Stadler H, Skritek P, Mach RL, Farnleitner AH (2008): Elucidating Faecal Indicator Dynamics in Alpine Karstic Spring Water at a High Resolution Scale: LEO – Satellite Based Automatic Event Sampling and E.coli.


Austrian Award for Hygiene ("Österreichischer Hygienepreis") awarded by the Austrian Society for Hygiene, Microbiology and Preventive Medicine (Reischer)

Award-winning papers:
Reischer GH, Kasper DC, Steinborn R, Farnleitner AH, Mach RL (2007): A quantitative real-time PCR assay for the highly sensitive and specific detection of human faecal influence in spring water from a large alpine catchment area.Lett Appl Microbiol 44: 351-356

Reischer GH, Kasper DC, Steinborn R, Mach RL, Farnleitner AH (2006): Development of a quantitative real-time PCR method for the sensitive detection of ruminant faecal pollution in freshwater and evaluation in alpine karstic regions.Appl Environ Microbiol 72: 5610-5614

TGB Science Price funded by TGB Facility Management (Reischer)

Award-winning papers:
Reischer GH, Kasper DC, Steinborn R, Farnleitner AH, Mach RL (2007):
A quantitative real-time PCR assay for the highly sensitive and specific detection of human faecal influence in spring water from a large alpine catchment area.Lett Appl Microbiol 44: 351-356

Reischer GH, Kasper DC, Steinborn R, Mach RL, Farnleitner AH (2006): Development of a quantitative real-time PCR method for the sensitive detection of ruminant faecal pollution in freshwater and evaluation in alpine karstic regions.Appl Environ Microbiol 72: 5610-5614

INiTS Award, 3rd place category Life Science awarded by the INiTS, Universitäres Gründerservice Wien (Reischer)

Award-winning papers:
Reischer GH, Kasper DC, Steinborn R, Farnleitner AH, Mach RL (2007): A quantitative real-time PCR assay for the highly sensitive and specific detection of human faecal influence in spring water from a large alpine catchment area. Lett Appl Microbiol 44: 351-356

Reischer GH, Kasper DC, Steinborn R, Mach RL, Farnleitner AH (2006): Development of a quantitative real-time PCR method for the sensitive detection of ruminant faecal pollution in freshwater and evaluation in alpine karstic regions. Appl Environ Microbiol 72: 5610-5614

Genius Award 2nd place awarded by the RIZ, Niederösterreichs Gründeragentur, GmbH (Reischer)

Award-winning papers:
Reischer GH, Kasper DC, Steinborn R, Farnleitner AH, Mach RL (2007): A quantitative real-time PCR assay for the highly sensitive and specific detection of human faecal influence in spring water from a large alpine catchment area. Lett Appl Microbiol 44: 351-356

Reischer GH, Kasper DC, Steinborn R, Mach RL, Farnleitner AH (2006): Development of a quantitative real-time PCR method for the sensitive detection of ruminant faecal pollution in freshwater and evaluation in alpine karstic regions. Appl Environ Microbiol 72: 5610-5614

iology (Water Micro 2007) of the International Water Association (IWA), Tokyo, Japan (Farnleitner)

Award-winning paper:
Farnleitner AH, Stadler H, Haider J, Sommer R, Kirschner AKT, Ryzinska G, Reischer, G, Burtscher MM, Keiblinger K, Fischer U, Wieltschnig C, Mach RLM (2007): Establishing the basic links between hydrological conditions and microbial quality parameters in alpine karstic spring water under increased discharge.


Austrian Award for Hygiene ("Österreichischer Hygienepreis") awarded by the Austrian Society for Hygiene, Microbiology and Preventive Medicine (Kirschner)

Award-winning paper:
Kirschner AKT, Zechmeister TC, Kavka GG, Beiwl C, Herzig A, Mach RL, Farnleitner AH (2004): Integral strategy for evaluation of fecal indicator performance in bird-influenced saline inland waters. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70, 7396-740


2004 Reinhard-Liepolt-Award for Danube Research from the Austrian Committee for Danube Research of the IAD - International Association for Danube Research (Farnleitner)

Award-winning papers:
Farnleitner AH, Hocke L, Beiwl C, Kavka GG, Mach RL (2002): Hydrolysis of 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-glucuronide in differing sample fractions of river waters and its implication for the detection of fecal pollution. Water Research 36:975-981

Farnleitner AH, Hocke L, Beiwl C, Kavka GG, Zechmeister T, Kirschner AKT and Mach LR (2001): Rapid enzymatic detection of Escherichia coli contamination in polluted river water. Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 33:246-250


APART: Austrian Program for Advanced Research and Technology; Austrian Academy of Sciences (Farnleitner)

Award-winning project:
Microbial community dynamics in spring water and respective biofilm compartments at alpine karst aquifers.

Austrian Award for Hygiene ("Österreichischer Hygienepreis") awarded by the Austrian Society for Hygiene, Microbiology and Preventive Medicine (Farnleitner)

Award-winning papers:
Farnleitner AH, Kreuzinger N, Kavka GG, Grillenberger S, Rath J, Mach RL (2000): Simultaneous detection and differentiation of Escherichia coli populations from environmental freshwaters by means of sequence variations in a fragment of the beta-D-glucuronidase gene. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66:1340-1346

Farnleitner AH, Hocke L, Beiwl C, Kavka GG, Zechmeister T, Kirschner AKT, Mach LR (2001): Rapid enzymatic detection of Escherichia coli contamination in polluted river water.Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 33:246-250

The ICC Water & Health
is a Cooporation of:

Technische Universität Wien
Medizinische Universität Wien
Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität für Gesundheitswissenschaften